Workviz is an innovative platform designed to visualize productivity and maximize performance within teams. It utilizes AI to forecast a team’s full potential, offering insights into work patterns, stress levels, and overall efficiency. By analyzing work logs and employee feedback, Workviz provides actionable recommendations for managers to address roadblocks, reassess workloads, and encourage breaks, aiming to foster a healthier, more productive work environment.

Description of the Service

Workviz offers a suite of tools to help managers and teams achieve optimal performance. Features include automated daily reports based on active time in selected apps, an employee voice platform for expressing feelings through emojis, workload management alerts, and productivity solutions to proactively identify and solve productivity dips. Additionally, Workviz ensures data security through encryption and provides a code audit option for enterprise users, maintaining a high standard of privacy and security.

Key Features

  • Automated Daily Reports: Simplifies the reporting process by drafting reports based on app usage.
  • Employee Voices: Empowers employees to communicate their feelings and stress levels.
  • Workload Management: Alerts managers to potential overcapacity issues.
  • Productivity Solutions: Identifies and addresses productivity roadblocks before they impact performance.
  • Data Security: Offers encryption and a secure API that respects user privacy.


  • Enhanced Team Insights: Provides valuable insights into team dynamics and individual stress levels, enabling better management decisions.
  • Increased Productivity: By identifying and addressing roadblocks, Workviz helps maintain high productivity levels.
  • Employee Well-being: Focuses on the well-being of employees by monitoring stress and workload, promoting a healthier work environment.
  • Security and Privacy: Prioritizes the security of user data, ensuring that sensitive information is protected.


  • Learning Curve: New users may need time to familiarize themselves with the platform’s features and best practices for maximizing its benefits.
  • Dependence on Accurate Reporting: The effectiveness of insights and recommendations relies on the accurate tracking of app usage and employee feedback.
  • Potential for Over-Monitoring: There’s a balance to be struck between monitoring for productivity and respecting employee privacy and autonomy.

In summary, Workviz offers a comprehensive solution for teams looking to enhance productivity and employee well-being through data-driven insights. Its focus on AI-powered analytics and workload management makes it a valuable tool for modern workplaces. However, users should consider the platform’s learning curve and the importance of maintaining a balance between monitoring and privacy.

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